Data protection directions for the website

Information that can identify you may be stored on your computer. Such information is designated as cookies. These text files stored on your hard disk allow us to recognize you as a registered customer and make it easier for you to use our Web site. You can review and delete cookies stored on your computer and generally control your relationship with cookies through your Internet browser settings. Major browsers accept cookies as a standard setting. You can, however, configure your browser to reject cookies or require prior confirmation from you. Refusal of cookies may result in your inability to take full advantage of all the features of our Web site.

The data controller under applicable data protection laws is CANTIERE NAUTICO ANTARES SRL, Should you have any questions about data protection or wish to exercise rights or claims (e.g. revoking consent to use your data for marketing purposes or exercising your right to information) regarding your personal data, please address your request in writing to or to write to the following address: ANTARES SHIPYARD LTD.

“Personal data” are all particular data relating to personal or material conditions of a specified or determinable natural or legal person. This means that it is information that can be related to you personally and may express something about you. The wording “your data” is also used in these data protection directions for this purpose. “Processing” or “processing” means any handling of your data, so specifically also the collection, storage, management, use, transmission, communication or deletion of your data. Below, we inform you what personal data we collect and store about you if you use our site and how we use that data, as well as to whom, if any, we may pass it on. In addition, you will receive information about what rights you have to us regarding the use of your data.

a) while visiting our website When you visit our website, the web server records in so-called log files technical information, such as e.g. date, time, the website, the data you downloaded, the website through which you landed on ours or the type of browser software you use (including operating system). CANTIERE NAUTICO ANTARES SRL stores and uses this information anonymously for statistical analysis and to increase the attractiveness of the website. We also use this information in a pseudonymized way, that is, without any reference to your person, so that we can constantly improve our offer and adapt it to your interests. In addition, we activate cookies and analytics tools (e.g. Google Analytics) while visiting our website. See in this regard figures 9 and 10 of this guidance on data protection. (b) Newsletter If you have registered for the newsletter, we will use your data given at the time of registration for the purpose of sending the newsletter of CANTIERE NAUTICO ANTARES SRL. Should you no longer wish to receive any newsletters, you can unsubscribe via an unsubscribe link found in each newsletter. (c) Communication We store and use your data if you get in touch with us by phone, e-mail or through our contact form, or if you otherwise wish to provide us with information and in order to do so, you transmit your data to us (including the content of the communication d) Other In addition, we store and use personal data and technical information to the extent necessary to prevent or prosecute abuse or other illegal behavior on our website, e.g., to maintain data security in case of attacks on our IT systems. Finally, we store and use your data to the extent that we are required to do so by law, e.g., by authority or court orders and for the protection of our rights and claims, as well as for legal defense. In general, there is no obligation to disclose personal data to us unless there is a contractual relationship that grounds such an obligation. However, we will need to collect and process personal data necessary or prescribed by law for the initiation and management of a contractual relationship and the fulfillment of related obligations. Otherwise, we will not be able to enter into or carry out the contract in question. In fact, it is also imperative to process log data and certain other data while using the website. Even while communicating with us, we must process at least the personal data that you transmit to us or that we transmit to you

We process your personal data only for the purpose of compliance with applicable laws and regulations. We use your personal data for the performance of the contract; for legitimate interests such as the maintenance of the customer database, marketing and advertising of our products and services, technical management and further development of the website; as well as on the basis of consent, to the extent that we ask you for consent separately. Please take note that your personal data may also be used by us for marketing purposes. You may prohibit the use for marketing purposes at any time and precisely by sending related notice to CANTIERE NAUTICO ANTARES SRL, or by e-mail to

For the conclusion and performance of contracts, we may transmit your personal data to companies in the CANTIERE NAUTICO ANTARES SRL corporate group within and outside Switzerland, for central storage in the customer database and for internal group billing and accounting purposes. In the case of cooperation with a partner company for a particular product offering, payment method, or sweepstakes, personal data may also be disclosed and transmitted to that company. In addition, we have partial data processed (e.g., for IT and central hot line services, market research and inherent customer satisfaction analysis) by service companies that we carefully select and can operate only according to our instructions. Please also consider figure 10 regarding the transmission of data as part of customer evaluations.

We apply technical and organizational security measures to adequately protect your personal data against unauthorized access, misuse, inadvertent or intentional manipulation, loss or destruction. Personal data that need special protection are transmitted in an encrypted manner (e.g., through adoption of SSL = Secure Socket Layer protocols). Technical security measures to protect your personal data are checked regularly and, if necessary, adapted to the state of the art. These principles also apply to companies that process and use personal data on our behalf and according to our instructions.

Within the framework of legal authorization under Art. 3 cpv. 1 lit. o of the Federal Law Against Unfair Competition (UCA), we have the right to use the e-mail address that you have indicated at the time of the acquisition of goods, works or services for direct advertising of similar goods, works or own services. In the event that you no longer wish to receive advertising related to similar goods, works or services, you may object at any time to the relevant use of your e-mail address, without being charged any further fees for this. In this regard, you can unsubscribe from product recommendations by clicking on the unsubscribe link in each email.

We keep your personal data only as long as it is necessary in accordance with the purpose of processing. In case of analysis, we store your personal data, until the analysis is finished. In cases where we store personal data by virtue of a contractual relationship with you, such data remain stored at least as long as the contractual relationship subsists and, at most, as long as we have a legitimate interest in storage, e.g., for documentation and evidence protection purposes; while statutes of limitations run for possible claims on our part or as long as legal or contractual retention obligations exist.

“Automated individual decisions” means decisions that are made in an automated manner, i.e., without relevant human influence, and that may result in adverse legal or other similar negative consequences for you. We will inform you separately if we need to use automated individual decisions.

If we use data for a purpose that requires, under legal provisions, your consent, we will always seek your express agreement and record your consent in accordance with legal data protection regulations. You may revoke the agreement given at any time with effect for the future and/or object to future uses of your data for advertising, marketing and opinion survey purposes. Please understand that your objection/revocation, for technical reasons, may take some time before it is implemented, and you may still receive messages from us during that period. To object to the use of data follow the directions described therein. Otherwise, to revoke a consent or to object simply send us a simple message. You can use the contact information to do so. As part of the right applicable to the processing of your data, you also have the right to information, rectification, deletion, restriction of data processing and opposition against the processing of data by us, as well as the right to receive free of charge from us the personal data you have provided to us in a readable format. To exercise your rights, you can contact us by using the contact information.

Please note that from time to time the data protection directions may be changed. We recommend, therefore, that you regularly consult this data protection guidance. Any substantial changes in the data protection directions will be communicated to registered users by e-mail, either to the e-mail address provided during registration, or by appropriate notice in a suitable place after logging into the user account. Third-party websites reachable through our portal are not subject to the principles set forth herein. We take no responsibility for data protection compliance by third-party websites.

Cookies, web analytics and social media services

Protecting the privacy and personality rights of our customers when they visit our website is of utmost importance for the purpose of trust-based enjoyment of our offerings. When you visit (“,,” or the “website”), personal information is collected, processed, and used. With this data protection guidance, we would like to emphasize our commitment to the secure and trustworthy handling of your data and explain how we use our customers’ personal data. We comply with the provisions of applicable data protection law.

Through advertising partners or ad networks, we activate advertisements on other websites. These advertising partners use so-called third-party cookies that are activated during a visit to and can only be extracted by the respective advertising partner. Such third-party cookies are used to measure the results and counting of advertising campaigns put in place between us and advertising partners. In this context, no personal data is stored, but only the recall of pages by an advertising campaign activated by the advertising partner is recorded. Third-party cookies are temporarily stored cookies that after the last retrieval remain stored in your browser for up to 540 days, after which they automatically expire. You can review and delete cookies stored on your computer and generally control your relationship with cookies through your Internet browser settings. You can get more detailed information about this from the manufacturer or through the help function of your Internet browser. Please note that the functionality of may be limited or inaccessible if you do not allow cookies.

We wish to show you only advertisements that really interest you. For this, at we make use of so-called “retargeting” technology so that advertising is commensurate with your interests. During your visit to, our retargeting partners store temporary cookies on your terminal through your Internet browser. Temporarily stored cookies allow our retargeting partners to re-recognize visitors to our shop under a pseudonym and show only advertisements for products in which our visitors are likely to be interested.

Temporary cookies allow our retargeting partners to retrace and store the click path of our visitors under the pseudonym. In this context, only data related to your use of is collected (e.g., number of page callbacks, internal search requests, product page callbacks, login status, order confirmation page callbacks). We do not transmit any personal data to these retargeting partners; however, retargeting partners do collect information about the use of our website in order to provide their services. Retargeting partners may eventually combine information collected from you with data from other websites you have visited and may use that data for their own purposes (e.g., to manage advertising on their partner sites). If you have registered with the retargeting partner in question, they can possibly identify you.

If you do not want to receive personalized advertising messages through retargeting, you have one of the following options to object with effect for the future: On the one hand, as with other third-party cookies, you can manage the use of cookies through your browser settings and, for example, accept the storage of temporary cookies only with your permission. Please read about this in the section “Use of Cookies”. An additional way to opt out is to click on the opt-out link that appears in each of the retargeting advertising mediums used by our partners. Such a link is an “i” or the grayed-out name of our service provider on the respective advertising medium. Clicking on the link will take you to our advertising partner’s page where you can turn off advertising services. Please note that in order to disable retargeting, a so-called opt-out cookie will be stored on your terminal via your Internet browser. Your objection will therefore be effective only if you use the same Internet browser and accept, without deleting, such an opt-out cookie. Should you then wish to use another Internet browser, you will want to use one of the two opposition options with that browser as well. You can delete these cookies via the so-called Google Tag Manager, used by this website, with a single link, to do so click here: Disable Google Analytics. This will provide you with the ability to opt-out for all Google Tag Manager tags via a cookie.

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses so-called “cookies,” text files that are stored on your computer and allow an analysis of your use of our Web site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this Web site is usually transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. Your IP address is, however, first shortened by Google within member states of the European Union or other contracting states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area. The full IP address is transmitted to a Google server in the USA and abbreviated there only in exceptional cases. Google will use this information on behalf of the operator of this Web site for the purpose of analyzing your use of the site, to compile reports on site activity, and to provide the Web site operator with additional services related to the use of the site and the Internet. The IP address transmitted by your browser as part of Google Analytics will not be linked back to other Google data. You will be able to prevent cookies from being stored by a corresponding setting in your browsing software. You can, in addition, prevent Google from recording data obtained through cookies and related to your use of the website (including your IP address), as well as Google’s processing of that data, by downloading and installing the browser plugin available at the following link: In addition, we use Google Analytics to analyze data from the DoubleClick cookie for statistical purposes. If you do not wish this to be done, you can disable this feature through the advertising message preference manager. We also use Floodlight tags from Google DoubleClick to support online advertising and for analysis of our website usage. No personal data is transmitted to Google DoubleClick with these tags. Details regarding the handling of your data by DoubleClick, the use of cookies in this context, as well as a possible deactivation of cookies can be found in DoubleClick’s data protection guidance at:

Within our website we use the “visitor behavior related pixel” from Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA (“Facebook”) in order to measure the effectiveness of online marketing measures. With its help, we can track users’ behavior after they have viewed a Facebook advertisement and/or clicked on it and subsequently placed an order. This enables us to detect the effectiveness of Facebook advertisements for statistical and market research purposes. The data collected in this way is anonymous to us, meaning that we cannot see the personal data of individual users or link it back to a user together with other information. However, such data is stored and processed by Facebook. In this way, Facebook can retrace the behavior of users who clicked on an advertisement in the Facebook member area and were directed to our site. By using cookies, i.e., text files that are stored on your computer, Facebook can eventually recognize such a user in the Facebook member area and optimize the efficiency of advertising messages, e.g., by offering messages aimed at target groups, in accordance with Facebook’s data use directive. This only affects users who have a Facebook account and are registered in the Facebook members area. Users who are not members of Facebook are not affected by such data processing. You can object to such data processing at the following link:

Our website uses provider services, specifically Google Analytics, a Web analytics service from Google Inc. USA, as well as the “like” / “like” social plugins of Facebook Inc. USA (hereinafter “provider”). These services collect information and may use so-called “cookies,” which are text files that are stored on your computer that allow an analysis of your use of our website. By using social plugins, buttons from the relevant providers are displayed, e.g., the Facebook “Like” button, or content from the relevant provider is integrated into the site. If you call up a website that uses such a social plugin, your browser creates a link to the relevant providers. The content of the social plugin is transmitted to your browser by the provider concerned and integrated by them into the website in question. Information produced through your use (including your IP address) is transmitted to the servers of these providers, nationally or internationally, where it is stored and processed and may eventually be matched to your account with these providers. We have no control over the processing of data by third-party providers. We therefore recommend that you check the respective data protection policies of these third-party providers. Facebook’s data protection policy can be accessed here. Providers may use this information to analyze your use of our website, to compile reports on website activity for the operators of said website, to place display advertisements (banner ads) and to provide additional services related to the use of the website and the Internet. Providers will also possibly pass this information on to third parties, nationally and internationally. It is noted in this regard and accepted that there is possibly no adequate legal protection of data abroad. By using this website, you declare that you agree to the use of cookies and similar technologies. You will be able to prevent cookies from being stored by a corresponding setting in your browsing software. You can, in addition, prevent Google from recording data obtained through the cookie and related to your use of the website (including your IP address) and processing such data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plugin available at the following link Browser Plugin.